Sport Psychology 101

Although we often hear Sport Psychology and Mental Toughness Training terms used interchangeably; mental toughness training is part of comprehensive sport psychology. Sport psychology is broad in its scope and content. It encompasses how our behaviors, thought processes, personalities, and other aspects of our lives impact sport performance as well as how sport performance impacts all of the aforementioned.

For example, although all of us feel anxious at times, a true anxiety disorder (which affects athletes just like anyone else) can be debilitating for an athlete if not managed with professional support. Similarly, we all get frustrated in relationships at times, but sometimes those frustrations can take over our worlds and become a focus point in our lives – distracting from what we need to do in our sport. Sometimes our commitment to our sport can be a factor in relationship difficulties (our significant others get frustrated with the time and energy we put into the game). Either way if not managed well this frustration can impede growth and performance as an athlete. Bzdell Sport Psychology can help athletes overcome these types of challenges in a confidential setting.

Mental toughness training is a process, within sport psychology, that every player and coach can use to effectively and most efficiently expand one’s performance potential AND consistently perform to the top level of one’s potential!